Saving and running the script will now produce windows with the defined tabs open. ↪ You can pass it command line args to get the kiosk mode as follows: /Applications/Google\ Chrome. chrome -kiosk) and then let Ximpel fill the size of the window. Rotate development across Chrome OS devices on Stable, Beta, Dev, and Canary channels (use the command line flag to change to Canary). You’ll need to define a variable for each Chrome window you want to open.Change the active directory to Chrome’s installation path. At this point the Kiosk window will be in kiosk mode – get rid of it for now with Alt-F4 In the window you installed from navigate to chrome://apps Right-click Kiosk and select Create shortcuts and create a desktop shortcut – the created shortcut has all the command line options needed to select the correct Chrome user profile and to launch.Create a dev, beta, and production app in the. So the command we now have is: start “Chrome” chrome file:///C:/Kiosk2014/CaseLayout. Please note this is not Chrome OS kiosk mode. Chrome kiosk command line If we want to hide this info bar, we have to pass 'disable-infobars' argument to ChromeOptions.